Mental Rehearsal For Athletes

Mental Imagery For Sports Kids

In “Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers your sports psychology and mental training questions about how to use visualization for athletes in competition.

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In this week’s Session With Doc, Dr. Cohn answers a question about how to use mental rehearsal or visualization for competition:

DR. COHN: “Do you try to visualize your performance perfectly, but then that may come back to bite you when you don’t perform perfectly? Hi, I’m Dr. Patrick Cohn with Peak Performance Sports at”

“In today’s video, you’re gonna learn about how to visualize your performance prior to executing that performance, but also understand that your performance is not going to come off just as you visualized it.

DR. COHN: “Here’s the question that I received from Tory. Tory said,”

“I usually try to visualize myself performing my routines perfectly. However, after reading your emails, I’m thinking that this might not be as constructive as I thought. Should I be doing this?'”

Watch the video below to hear what Dr. Cohn has to say to Tory about her mental game.

YouTube video

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We’re certain that, as a parent, you want to help your child develop confidence and discipline in sports and life. And as a sports parent, you’d love for your children to reach their potential in sports. But encouraging your child to strive for greatness without pressuring them can be a challenge.

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