Pregame Mental Preparation For Young Athletes
A sports parent asks:
“My son is an excellent baseball player, but his coach will barely play him. My son is very frustrated and has tried to talk to the coach a couple of times about getting more playing time, but the coach has not put him in. Is there a way my son can finish the season with a positive attitude, as well as show the coach how good of a player he is?”
Yes, a positive attitude is one thing under his control. And having a positive attitude is an essential part of helping athletes perform their best.
It’s common for good players to perform poorly under pressure, such as the stress caused by a coach who appears to think your son’s play is not satisfactory.
Unfortunately, a coach’s lack of confidence can lead to an athletes feeling less confident. You want athletes to overcome this by being mentally tough and ready before a practice or game even starts.
First, check in with your kids on their expectations. Frustration often ensues when expectations are not being met. Help your athletes examine their expectations about playing time.
As Alexander Pope said:
“Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.”
Do your athletes feel a need to impress a coach? The stress caused by this can lead to worrying about mistakes and under performing.
We suggest athletes concentrate on their own game and the enjoyment instead of the coach’s opinion. The goal should not be to impress the coach to get more playing time, but rather improving your skills.
In addition, your kids should focus on the NOW! If they are thinking about the past, the future, or what others think of them, they can’t get into the flow and enjoy sports.
Performing well requires being in a flow state–when kids’ attention is completely absorbed by the task at hand.
Kids can’t get into the flow when they:
- Worry about playing time
- Worry about making mistakes
- Worry about what coach thinks
- Think they will get benched if they mess up
- Think too far ahead of the moment
Kids are naturally good at playing in the moment. You want to encourage your kids to let go of the outcome and how they might be evaluated by others.
You also want your athletes to be mentally ready to perform when they do get the chance to play instead of pouting on the bench.
In addition, confidence needs to grow from within and not from other people, such as coaches or parents. Help your athletes focus on what they have instead of what they wish they had!
Related Articles on Kids’ Mental Game:
- Kids Would Rather Lose and Get to Play the Whole Game [Podcast]
- Getting All the Goodness Out of Youth Sports
- When Athletes Only Dwell on Post Game Mistakes
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