youth sports psychology

How to Know When Athletes Have Burnout

How to Know When Athletes Have Burnout

Should young athletes quit or recommit to youth sports? That’s a question that Andrew Simpson and his associates ask young athletes who may be approaching burnout. Simpson, chief vision officer, Player’s Fitness and Performance, helped create a training program for these athletes. The program looks at ways to help athletes recognize … Read Sport Psychology Tip

How Youth Sports Coaches Can Build Resilience in Kids

Building Confidence in Athletes

Kids and teens say they lack connections with adults in their schools, says Paul Caccamo, CEO and founder, Up2Us, a coach training program. Youth coaches can fill in the gap and build resilience, improved focus and self-esteem in young athletes, he says. To meet that goal, Up2Us partners with schools … Read Sport Psychology Tip

Addressing Anxiety, Mistakes and Low Confidence in Youth Sports

Building Confidence in Athletes

Performance anxiety, mistakes and low confidence are some of the top challenges for girls who play volleyball–challenges that help them learn important lessons in life, said Leah Jantzen, a former Ironman and marathon runner who is now a mental health and performance coach at Ward Melville High School, Long Island. … Read Sport Psychology Tip