Patrick Cohn

How Parents Can Improve Communication with Sports Kids – of All Abilities

Youth Sports Psychology

Communicating With Young Athletes We recently checked in with sports dad Michael Wood–chief fitness officer at Koko Fitness Inc.– about his daughter’s making her high school basketball team as a 6th grader. This was a double-edged sword for Wood… On the one hand, he was happy she had the opportunity … Read Sport Psychology Tip

Kids Who Struggle with Pregame Nerves

Youth Sports Psychology

Overcoming Pregame Jitters Most top athletes and coaches are aware of the importance of a calm mind and relaxed body for kids to reach peak performance in sports. And so am I… If your athletes are tense, worried about outcomes, or bring stress from life into competition, they will under … Read Sport Psychology Tip

The Importance of Positive Feedback for Young Athletes

How Choking Hurts Athletes’ Performance 

Rewarding Positive Behavior in Youth Sports Just how important is giving positive feedback to young athletes? For our Ultimate Sports Parent Radio show, we recently checked in with baseball coach Rob Gelphman about this topic. He says giving kids compliments, especially for making small achievements, like fielding a ground ball, … Read Sport Psychology Tip

It’s Never too Late to Learn – Sports Parents’ Top Dilemma Update

Youth Sports Psychology

Helping Young Athletes Kick Perfectionism Lisa Cohn here from the Ultimate Sports Parent. In my last post, I talked about all the great questions and comments we have received from parents and coaches about perfectionism and fear of failure. One of the biggest concerns from parents is that it may … Read Sport Psychology Tip

Sports Parents Share Stories About Kids’ Perfectionism

Youth Sports Psychology

Identifying Perfectionism in Young Athletes Lisa Cohn here from The Ultimate Sports Parent. I would like to share some quick tips about identifying perfectionism and fear of failure in young athletes. This is a really hot topic in youth sports. Several parents and coaches have shared their stories about young … Read Sport Psychology Tip

Confessions of a Sports Mom Who Fueled Her Son’s Perfectionism

Youth Sports Psychology

Sports Kids And High Expectations Lisa Cohn here from The Ultimate Sports Parent. I’m here to make a confession… When my son was in 9th grade, he’d often begin a basketball game with sky-high expectations. He was generally a successful player, and coaches and peers expected a lot from him. … Read Sport Psychology Tip